Venice/Manasota Scuba Fossil Hunting

Venice Main Beach

Parking: 101 The Esplanade S, Venice, FL 34285

Parking Cost: Free

Entry: Beach Entry


3 out of 5. The beach is nice, with bathrooms and concessions. The sand re-nourishment of the beach has caused most of the shark teeth to become buried. It is also overly hunted. Pretty low chance of a Megalodon tooth. I've had most success at B for Megalodons and more small teeth at A. 


  1. Enter the water from either from the North or South side of the Pilot House. 
  2. Swim 30-40 yards pass the buoy and dive!
  3. Swim west until you encounter the artificial reef (A) or the organic reef (B). 


Venice Alhambra Rd.

Parking: 633 Alhambra Rd, Venice, FL 34285

Parking Cost: Free, but limited

Entry: Beach Entry


3 out of 5. No gear cleaning station and limited parking. Pretty low chance of a Megalodon tooth. Lots of small shark teeth. 


  1. Gear up on the north side of the Venice Sands Apartment (A).
  2. Head down the only sand path. 
  3. Swim out about 130 yards, swim down and look for the magic 18 foot depth (B).